Monday, November 28, 2011

Ash is 8 months old

We had quite an adventure last weekend taking the train back to St. Louis for my cousin's wedding.  Overall the trip too longer than driving, but Ben enjoyed it much more since he was able to get up and walk around and play with his vehicles in the dining car.  Ash was about the same - napping and enjoying the scenery.

Ash turned 8 months old last week and she is basically crawling.  Over the last few weeks she has gone from lunging or rolling her way across the room to taking a few crawls before tumbling.  She definitely can get to the place she wants without any help even if it takes her a little bit to get there.  Overall she is still the happy, easy little girl that I love to have around and lights up when I'm in the room.  She is a mommy's girls which is a nice change from Ben since he was a daddy's boy.  Although I could do without her crying when I leave the room for a second without her.  Since it's turning colder she has a constant runny nose and cold of sorts, but it doesn't seem to bug her too much and for the most part is sleeping really well most nights regardless.  Again, another nice change from her brother.

Ben is really starting to turn into a little boy before my eyes.  It surprises me how much he knows or is learning and when I look at pics I see a kid and not my baby that I've known the last two years.  I like to think he's smart, but he's pretty much in line with other kids his age on his knowledge.  He can count to ten, knows his name, knows the street we live on, knows the colors of the rainbow and then some, knows almost all transportation vehicles as that's his favorite toy and loves to make his sister laugh.  It's so cute to see his reaction when she giggles at him and it makes him want to try harder to make her laugh.  He brings her toys when she cries and looks out for her when she tries to grab things she shouldn't.  I love to see his protectiveness of her and only hope that continues through their teenage years and beyond.

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