Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Tubes & #2

Ben got tubes in his ears just over a week ago and since then it seems like he is doing great.  So far no ear infections so that's a plus since regurlarly we would be in the midst of one now based on his previous schedule for them.  Let's just hope it stays that way!  Here's a pic before his surgery.

And for the second part of the title of this post.....#2 is on the way and due on St. Patty's Day!  I'm about 12 weeks along so far and feeling good.  Not really sick which is awesome and so far similar to how it was with Ben.  We should find out the sex in mid October.

Here's a couple more pics of Ben to tide you over until the next post.
Deanna Rose - Safety Day (Jr Firefighter)

Tuesday, August 17, 2010


Well we suffered through our first vacation as a family with my entire family.  I say suffered because as if on queue Ben had an ear infection.  (He's getting tubes Friday so hopefully that will help!)  Overall it was a lot of fun, but there were definitely tough times with Ben since he was miserable, doesn't like to float in the water (would rather walk around dangerously close to the edge of the pool poking it with a bat) and wasn't a fan of the beach either (I'm blaming the wind bothering his ears and infection - of course that's just an excuse).  He was pretty good on flights actually which worked out, but was a little overwhelmed with the amount of people and kids staying in one house.  As I mentioned it was our whole family (19 total - 9 of which were kids), but the house was large and had it's own pool.  He eventually warmed up and loved to watch the other kids play and swim.  Maybe next trip (if Bri ever let's us take one) he'll like the beach.  Although for a first vacation I can't imagine Hilton Head being any better - maybe one day Ben will realize that.

A few things of interest as accomplishments for Ben over the last week:
  1. Ben tasted crab bisque (thanks Papa) and actually liked it
  2. He learned to wave bye bye finally and does it constantly now
  3. And has learned to put his hands out and up as if "where did they go" when anything disappears
  4. Lots of babbling so hopefully more words are coming soon
Below are some of my favorite pics from vacation or you can view them all here.
Enjoying crab bisque
Ella and Molly
Little toes in the sand
Deebo, Papa and the Grandkids
All the grandkids in their soccer jerseys
Looks peaceful even though he was screaming :)

Sunday, August 1, 2010

Party & Goats

Ben can't seem to get enough of Deanna Rose and feeding goats or ducks or anything else little that will eat from his hand or near him.  He even insists on feeding our dog constantly which works out well for Ellie when we let it happen.  Maybe next year we need to break down and become members of Deanna Rose, mainly because it's convenient and he loves it.  Although only paying $4 right now is probably the better deal, it will be up to a whopping $6 each time once Ben hits 2 years old.

Feeding the goat of course

Admiring the ducks

Yesterday was Ben's friend, Annabel's, first birthday party.  All the kiddos and adults had a lot of fun.  Especially with the water table which shoots water!  (The kids enjoyed that of course) It was great to see some friends for some good times and a celebration - Happy Birthday Annabel!

Ben and Milo before destructing the water table
Annabel joining in on the fun of water
Cupcake time!