Sunday, March 31, 2013

Happy Easter!

We were able to see my side of the family last weekend and there were some good times with all the cousins.  Ben and Ashley tend to run and play and have a good time whenever their around which is awesome.  We celebrated Ash's birthday which happens to fall around the time of a few of the cousins birthday's but we were in town for my cousin's wedding and time was limited.  Ashley did receive some roller skates and was thrilled about them.  She did not want to take them off.

Yesterday we dyed the eggs and both had a good time although Ben liked dipping his hands in every glass finding the eggs more than using the utensils.  Ashley did a great job of coloring her eggs and the whisk was an awesome idea to keep her little hands clean while also getting the eggs the colors that she wanted.  We made Ashley and Ben eggs and of course Ash chose blue and Ben chose pink.  Regardless they still enjoyed the experience.

Then today the kids loved finding the eggs that were hidden. So much in fact that we had to re-hide them several times and they even were hiding them for each other to keep it going.  Luckily it was nice enough that we could play outside and run out some of that cooped up energy.  Ben and Ashley even had a good time on their roller blades and skated around for a while at home and at grandma and grandpa's.

Sunday, March 10, 2013

Ashley is 2!

Today is my sweet baby girl's second birthday and already she's growing up too quick.  To start the day off she got to wear her new birthday shirt I made and was thrilled to have Nemo on.  In fact, I'm washing it now so she can wear it tomorrow to daycare to show off with her cupcakes and friends in her new classroom at daycare.

This morning Ashley helped mix and prepare the cupcakes for baking and she did a surprisingly good job without a lot of mess. 

Then we went to Grandma and Grandpas and she got Thumper (who's leg actually shakes when you press his foot) and a cute little doggy that says nite-nite when you press his hand.  Even though it was daylight savings last night she was still ready to go down for a nap right after lunch, but when she got up Ben helped her down the stairs so we could eat cupcakes and celebrate.  She was not a fan of the candles on fire so we had to blow them up pretty quick, but she did like my homemade icing.

Presents were up next and the mini dyson was a huge hit along with the gun that blows bubbles.  They weren't as excited about the castle at first, but ended up having fun playing in it and next step would be for them to color it.

As an impromptu outing we decided to head to a Mavericks game (the CHL hockey team) and of course Ben liked it.  Ash actually enjoyed most of it as well, but I think more for the fact that there was a lot to see and going on.  Overall it was a successful low key birthday.

I've enjoyed getting to see Ashley grow and develop into this little person who has a ton of personality, but is also independent, happy and just stinkin cute.  I can't wait to see what the next year has in store of us.