Saturday, August 22, 2009

3 Months Already!

It's hard to believe that my little man is growing up so fast. Click on the pic for a slideshow.

T-Bones Game

My company had a night at the T-bones yesterday so we decided to pack up and take the little tike to his first baseball game (although Brian kept reminding him that it's only minor leagues in which I stated so are the royals, but that's a whole nother story)! He did really well until he finally hit a breaking point past his bedtime that told us we better go or it will get ugly fast. Of course he slept once we got in the car so it all worked out. He got to enjoy sitting on the hill and watching a bunch of other kids play on the jungle gym and blow up things. I think he was jealous, but he was a good sport and let out a lot of smiles to everyone. I can't believe he is already 3 months old! Here's a pic from the game and I'll post his 3 month pics shortly.

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Big Boy Chair

Lately he's ben enjoying his bumbo chair and on sunday he watched the end of the PGA Championship in it. He let's out lots of smiles and laughs, but eventually he gets bored of trying to hold his head up as it's still a little wobbly. Hopefully time in the chair will help him get complete control of his neck.

He's been in pretty good spirits even though he has a cold. Yep - one week at daycare and he's already sick. At least it's just a cold and no fever so he's doing okay although a little more fussy when he can't breath. I can't really blame him for that.

Sitting up!

Laughing at Ellie

Watching the PGA Championship

Friday, August 14, 2009

Gonna be a rockstar!

When my parents came through town last weekend they dropped off a little present...soft cowboy boots for Ben. Yep, so what was I to do except dress him in his rockstar shirt and put the boots on him for some prime pics. This is Ben in his element with spit up and drool all down him. I'd have to change him at least 3 times on a good day so I got lazy sometimes. That would explain the drool on his shirt, but the face - that's just priceless! It's as if he knows this picture will come back to haunt him one day.

First Week of Daycare...

Well, we've made it through the first week of daycare and he's no worse for wear. He still seems to be very happy and is even sleeping better through the night. I, on the other hand, seem to be a little worse off. I never realized how hard it would be to leave him each morning to let someone else watch him and enjoy him all day while I go to work. Unfortunately I have to work so we can afford his diapers and such. Here's a video of him enjoying his friday afternoon.

My posts will probably be reduced to just one a week now that I'm back at work, but I'll try to post as much as possible with updated pictures and videos since he's changing so much now.

Saturday, August 8, 2009

Burping is a 2 person job?!

My parents stopped by for a couple days on their way back from a vacation and here are some pics of our time together.

Yesterday my mom fed Ben for the second time and it appears that both of them had to burp him after the first time since he threw up almost half his bottle on her shirt. Oops! I warned them that he is a big spitter, but they weren't quite prepared for what he had in store for them. Since then they have seemed to double team it or hand him off to me for the burping portion. Hopefully one day he will learn to keep it down better!

We went to the Steamboat Arabia Museum for a tour and it was really interesting then we went to Fogo de Chao for dinner and it was great! Here's Ben dressed for his dinner on the plaza.

Then when it was time to leave, they decided to sit and watch him sleep until they had to go. At least they took turns instead of pulling up two chairs!

Thursday, August 6, 2009


So the title may be a little misleading, but judge for yourself. If he could hold himself up, not walk on the sides of his feet, and not criss cross his feet to say the least, he would be all over the place. We discovered he would start 'walking' anytime we would hold him up and Brian is of course encouraging him to go straight from laying down to walking and skip the crawling, but I'm just not ready for him to be mobile yet. He does move his legs when you place him on his tummy (when he's not rolling over), but the arms just lay there or he does mini push ups. Seems like we still have a ways to go luckily!

Monday, August 3, 2009

Happy Baby

I realized I don't have much video of Ben on here and since he's starting to be a lot more interactive with us I thought I would post this video of him smiling and having fun. I wasn't able to capture his huge open mouth grin, but this is pretty typical of most his playtime. (He never stops moving...NEVER!!)

Saturday, August 1, 2009

Hands are fascinating!

As of last Monday Ben has finally figured out his hands and loves to play with them in his mouth. He has not started sucking his thumb, but rather his whole hand. Yes, he practically puts his entire fist in his mouth and sucks. This helps with us not having to put the binky in his mouth so much, but it does lead to hickies. Yep, Ben is giving himself hickies now once he gets a good hold of his hand or even his arm - whatever is nearest to his mouth. At least he has a new form of entertainment now!