Monday, July 27, 2009

Yo Gabba Gabba!

Yes, anyone with kids is probably familiar with this show and now my poor little guy seems to absolutely be entranced when it comes on. So naturally, I tape it and use that 20 minutes wisely for showers and cleaning. At least it's educational although I'm not sure how much he truly understands any of it yet. It's just like a mini version of the baby einstein vidoes but much better or at least entertaining for me! After all they had Jack Black on it the other day. How much more intriguing can it be to see him dance around in a tight unitard dancing with big stuffed people?! Here's a pic of Ben watching it.

Thursday, July 23, 2009


Today we tried the jumper out again and he seemed to enjoy it a little more, plus I didn't have to prop him up as much. He does really well standing on his own, but I don't think he's quite figured out the jumping/bouncing part of it. Of course Ellie wanted in on the action also! Sorry it's sideways - I couldn't figure out how to rotate it.

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Ben is 2 Months Old!!

Ben has finally hit the 2 month mark!! It really has been going by so fast. He is definitely smiling at us and can recognize our voices. He is so close to laughing, but hasn't quite let out a good giggle yet so we're still working on that. He can focus on objects farther away and loves to look at himself in the mirror along with starting to be fascinated with the tv. Looks like we may have to limit his tv watching time (although the baby einstein vidoes are really a lifesaver for my shower time - even though they creep me out a bit)! Ben is still rolling over from his stomach to his back and can roll to his side from his back, but he hasn't quite made the leap to roll all the way to his stomach yet. I'll be sad when that day comes as I won't be able to place him in the many unsafe places I currently do if he was rolling off his back! He's getting with nighttime and is generally only waking up once to eat although he still has his rough nights where he'll want to be up for a bit instead of sleep.

We went to the doc today and he got his shots :( It's too bad you can't warn the poor kid what he's in for or he can't eat a lollipop when it's over, but he made do without too much fuss. He was asleep when they came in with the needles which made for instant cry when he was awoken to three shots! He stopped though once I picked him up. He is currently 12 pounds and 60th percentile along with 23-1/2" long which is 75th percentile.

I didn't take quite as many pics this month as I did last month and since there are more posts with pictures of his adventures on the blog there aren't as many pics in the slide show, but click on the pic for a few from this past month.

Monday, July 20, 2009

St. Louis Visit

Ben took his first trip and of course it was to the stl. He did great on the car ride both there and back with only one stop for some food. We had a fun filled weekend with his cousins and the grandparents. A huge thanks is deserved for my dad for taking the night shift for three nights in a row!! Brian and I enjoyed sleeping a whole night through (although we were each up out of habit just to check that he wasn't a demon for my dad).

On Sunday we went to my grandma's (Momo) house for her annual BBQ and extreme croquet tournament. The ribs were great, the game was entertaining and the company was the best. Ben was a good boy and enjoyed all the attention. How couldn't a kid enjoy being passed around and getting constant attention for 6 hours?! He also got to meet my cousin's new little one, Lily, that is only 4 days younger than him. She's adorable and has some of the most beautiful eyes I've ever seen! It's amazing how quickly all the cousins are growing up each time I go back for a visit - they're getting so big! I can't wait for Ben to be walking to be able to play with them.

Click on the pic for a slide show from the BBQ.

Sunday, July 12, 2009

Another Playdate

So we had another play date with Nicola and Milo and this time they were sort of awake for some of it. We have been getting together weekly so this is just the beginning of the pics since we're going to try and take them each week to capture the essence of these wonderful times.

You better wake up quickly Milo - Nicola's getting fresh! Ben's isn't too sure about it either!

Party time!

Thursday, July 9, 2009

Pool Day!

Ben had his first dip in the pool and after the initial shock of the water he seemed to enjoy it....until it was nap time. He's quite a kicker normally, but didn't seem to understand that in the water is really when you should kick and he just laid in my arms like a bump on the log. Looks like we'll need to work on his swimming skills!

Saturday, July 4, 2009

Happy 4th!

Ben wanted to say happy fourth to everyone. This is the most patriotic outfit we could find in his wardrobe so luckily we had something that was red, white and blue. And of course a crab for the fourth makes sense, right?

Hope everyone had a safe and happy fourth of July!