Monday, May 10, 2010

Frankenstein & Basketball

Odd combination for a title, yes. To start with Frankenstein - that is his new nickname at daycare. They told me this on Friday afternoon and it's all I could think of all weekend long when I saw him walk. For some reason he holds his arms out in front of him when he walks now and it's hilarious. I guess it could be for balance, but he's able to hold things while he walks which just makes me extremely nervous so his balance is actually pretty good. For instance, this weekend he insisted on carrying his mini tv/music thing across the room which is half his size. He fell down a lot and got really frustrated, but eventually made it. Then he wanted to head back.... ugh. Walking is now his primary choice to get around (unless he wants to get there in a hurry) and he is able to get up from the floor so all bets are off. Here's a video that sort of shows you Frankenstein with a basketball.

Speaking of basketballs, Ben is fascinated with basketballs and hoops. His dreams will be shattered eventually like Brian's were when he realizes he's too short to ever really play, but hopefully that's a long ways off. He loves putting the basketball through the hoops and can even walk around with a full size basketball in his arms. Crazy strength - almost superhuman. It just doesn't look right. And why we have 3 basketball hoops at our house is beyond me, but at least there's always one handy. Here's some pics from the weekend.

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