Wednesday, November 25, 2009

"All I Want For Christmas...

Is my two front teeth!" At least that's what Ben would be saying if he could talk. And yes, the two bottom teeth are coming in! The past few days have been a struggle between giggles and cries, but he's no worse for wear so far. One thing some friends recommended is teething tablets which helped him sleep much better last night. We haven't used them much, but I'm a believer so far.

We also went to the doc today for his check up and he's still average. He weighs in at 17 lbs and 2 oz (50%), height is 26-1/2" (50%), and head circumference is 17-1/4" (55%). He also got the flu and h1n1 shot today so hopefully he will only mantain the cold he's had the past three months instead of getting something worse.

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