So here are Ashley's official 1 year pics that we took on her birthday and of course Ben had to be a part of it. She is also officially walking and over the last couple weeks has really started to make her way around on just her two legs. Ash is very proud of this accomplishment and can even bend down to pick something up and then keep walking without falling over.
We had her checkup today and here are her stats:
Weight - 18 lbs 1 oz (10%)
Height - 29-3/4" (70%)
Head Circumference - 17-1/4" (15%)
Of course the doc told us to fatten her up....and yes, I know it sounds like I'm talking about a turkey and not a child. The hard part is the fact that she loves to eat and will eat a ton, but doesn't seem to put on much weight. I only wish I had her metabolism.
As for Ben - he's still obsessed with hockey and using the word obsessed is probably an understatement. He wakes up and wants to watch it, we come home from daycare and he wants to watch it or if not, play it. Although I have to admit, I kind of like that it's hockey he's into since it was what I grew up around. He has a mini goal, 4 sticks, gloves and a real puck. But we really need to work on the ice skating piece so he can start the learn to play next winter.
We are still working on potty training and it's really hit or miss. Some days he does great and others not so much. It depends on if he wants to or not and we're still working on a way to get him motivated.
Here's some random pics during playtime. It pretty much captures the non-stop action in our house.