We went to the doctor today and found out that Ben is slowly trending lower and lower on the stats scale. For his 9 month checkup he weighed in at 9lbs 3ozs(30%), is 27.5" long (25%), and his head circumfrance is 17.75" (45%). I think part of the less weight gain is due to his mobility. He rarely sits still and even when he sleeps he tosses and turns all night. He's definitely cruising around on his toys and one of his favorite things to do is stand at his play table and walk around it. He's even getting better using his walker and we don't have to help him with it anymore which is nice.
Here's a video from today after the doctor visit. Good thing he has a big head, hopefully it's well padded! Otherwise we may need to consider putting a helmet on him if he's going to keep this up. Let's just say Ben's pretty special or just stir crazy for this never ending winter!
I've updated a few more videos on you tube as well so enjoy!
Remember the littlest brother from the movie Parenthood? Too funny!